12th December 2024

Search Stanway Parish Council

Serving the people of Stanway

Who we are & what we do

Stanway Parish Council has a membership of fifteen Councillors. The Council also employs a number of paid staff:

  • Parish Clerk and Deputy Responsible Financial Officer (Part Time)
  • Deputy Parish Clerk
  • Responsible Financial Officer (Part Time)
  • Maintenance Worker

Elected and co-opted Councillors do not receive any financial remuneration.

How to complain about the Council or its staff

  • Complaints Policy, Adopted 23rd February 2023 (PDF, 261 Kb)

    Full details about how to complain about Council services and its staff. Please note that complaints against individual councillors follows an entirely different procedure.

    This document is a draft policy, subject to confirmation by the Full Council or one of its delegated committees

How the Council is organised

  • Committee Membership 2024/5 (PDF, 50 Kb)

    This document shows how the Council is organised into Committees and illustrates what their respective responsibilities are. Full details of their terms of reference can be found via the link "Our Committees and Staff".

    For our latest lists of projects, go down the page to see "What we do"

Full Council Meetings generally take place bi-monthly commencing January, on the last Thursday of each month and are almost always held in the Victory Hall (at the rear of Village Hall) at 7.00 p.m. Most meetings are approximately 1.5 to 2 hours duration.

There are occasions when extraordinary meetings are held to transact urgent or confidential Council business - please monitor the website or our noticeboards for the notices and agendas, noting that you may not be able to attend some or all if there are confidential items under discussion. This is in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 which allows a motion to exclude the Public, including the Press, from the meeting so that any items containing exempt and confidential information (for example, confidential, specialist, financial or legal advice) in the remainder of the agenda can be discussed and decided. Exempt information is defined in Section 100I and Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Notification of regular meetings of the Council, its Committees and Sub-Committees (which include the agenda for the meeting) can, in normal times, be found on the Parish notice boards at least three business days prior to a meeting and always on this web site.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all Council meetings. Each meeting has a "Public Forum" for residents to raise any matters with the Council, whether or not it relates to items on the agenda. Please also note that actions arising from such matters cannot be dealt with there and then, but every effort will be made to provide some sort of response.

Contacting the Council

The Clerk may be contacted by email, post or by telephone. There is a voicemail service and every effort will be made to return calls in a timely manner if they are not answered immediately.

Similarly, whilst standard practice in the public sector is to respond to correspondence within 10 working days, we shall make every effort to reply in much quicker fashion. However, given the limited resources at the Parish Council's disposal, please understand that this may not always be possible.

The correspondence address for the Parish Council is not particularly suitable as a public office at the moment - as such, any meetings with the Clerk are to be arranged by appointment, particularly if it involves booking a room to hold that appointment in.

What we do in Stanway

The Parish Council is responsible for several of the amenities of the village, the more significant of which are:

  • Village Hall Playing Fields, Villa Road
  • Silverwitch Green Play Area, Chapel Road
  • Lucy Lane South Play Area, Lucy Lane South
  • Swan Green, London Road,
  • Comb Meadow Burial Ground, Church Lane

Please note that the day-to-day management of the Village, Victory and Tollgate Halls in Villa Road is undertaken by Stanway Village Hall Management Committee (SVHMC), which has its own website here.

The first point of contact concerning roads and supporting infrastructure is Essex Highways, whose website is https://www.essexhighways.org/ or https://www.essex.gov.uk/roads-streets-and-transport

Current and future projects

Community Assets Committee

Community Services Committee

Last updated: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:41