12th December 2024

Search Stanway Parish Council

Serving the people of Stanway

Planning Applications

Colchester City Council (CCC) is the Planning Authority which makes decisions on planning applications and it is their responsibility to inform neighbours of them in good time

However, the Parish Council has the statutory right to be consulted on planning applications by the Planning Authority (Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Schedule 1 para 8), but can only provide comments and or suggestions to CCC. These must be based on material planning reasons and will be taken into consideration by the Planning Authority.

SPC's Planning Committee usually meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7.00 p.m. in the Committee Room in the Victory Hall (occasionally meetings are cancelled if there is nothing to review).

Agendas are published via the Parish Council calendar and minutes are published shortly afterwards. If you would like the Parish Council to take your comments into consideration, you can send an email to planning@stanwaypc.org.uk. Please ensure that all comments are based on material planning considerations only.

All documents and plans are available to view from the Colchester Borough Council website at www.colchester.gov.uk/planning. Comments can be made online or by writing to:

Head of Planning Services, Colchester Borough Council

Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3WG

Planning - Monthly Consultation Lists

Colchester's Emerging Local Plan 2013 - 2033

The new Local Plan is an important document which will determine the way forward for Colchester Borough.

It will provide the strategy for the growth of the district to 2033 and beyond, setting out what development will take place and where.

It will set out a vision for the area, establishing the long term aims and aspirations for the Borough. It will include policies and allocations that will help to deliver these aims and aspirations. The plan includes strategic policies and allocations in Section 1 of the plan, prepared jointly with Braintree and Tendring Councils, while Colchester specific allocations and policies are included in Section 2.

Last updated: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:44