12th December 2024

Search Stanway Parish Council

Serving the people of Stanway


Statutory Audit and Inspection of Accounts

Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 20(2) and 25, The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

For a thirty day period each year including the first ten working days of July, any interested person may, subject to reasonable notice by application to the Parish Clerk, inspect and make copies of the Council's accounting records for the preceding financial year ended March 31.

By July 31 each year, the Council will publish:

  • its unaudited financial statements for the preceding financial year ended March 31;
  • it annual governance statement; and
  • a statement by the Council on its financial performance and economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources over the financial year.

By 30 September each year, the Council will publish:

  • its audited statement of accounts together with the certificate or opinion from the external auditor; and
  • the approved annual governance statement.

Annual Governance & Accountability Returns

The audited Annual Governance & Accountability Return ('AGAR') for each of the previous five financial years are provided below. Each AGAR provides: 1) the Internal Audit Report; 2) the Annual Governance Statement; 3) the Accounting Statements; and 4) the External Auditor's Report and Certificate, for the financial year.

Interim Financial Reports

Income and Expenditure

The unaudited interim financial reports are refreshed quarterly - on April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1. Please refer to the financial reports published with the agenda for the monthly meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee for the most up-to-date financial reports.

Asset Register

The Asset Register is reviewed and updated at least annually. The most recent register is provided below.

Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan

Every year, starting in October, the Council prepares its budget for the following financial year. The difference between revenue income (burial fees, other income, etc.) and revenue expenditure (salaries, maintenance, administrative costs, etc.), less any use of reserves, is the amount the Council will require Colchester City Council to collect via the Council Tax demands issued in April each year. This is known as the Precept.

  • 2024 Approved Budget (PDF, 182 Kb)

    The approved budget for the 2024-25 financial year, with commentary and forward plans for next five years.

Internal Control

Finance Policies

The Council's financial procedures are governed by the Financial Regulations. They are reviewed and updated at least annually.

Internal Audit

The Council appoints an internal auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of its risk management, control and governance processes, taking into account public sector internal auditing standards or guidance. The internal auditor reports annually as part of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, and periodically as determined by the Council.

The internal auditor's annual reports are within the Annual Governance & Accountability Returns. The most recent interim report is below.

Review of Internal Control

The Council reviews the effectiveness of its internal audit process annually. The most recent report is provided below.

  • Review of internal audit 2021-22 (PDF, 186 Kb)

    A desk-based review of the effectiveness of the Council's internal audit, using the review process set out in Governance & Accountability for Smaller Authorities 2021.

Last updated: Mon, 02 Dec 2024 15:27