20th September 2024

Search Stanway Parish Council

Serving the people of Stanway

Displaying 1 to 30 of 56

Your Local Update Issue 21

Your Local Update Issue 20

Local Police Update Issue 19

Local Police Update Issue 18

Local Police Update Issue 17

Local Police Update Issue 16

Local Police Update January 2022

Police Local Update

Wed, 17 Nov 2021

Police Local Update November 2021 - Issue 15

Police Local Update October 2021

Police - Latest Update

Police Local Update - Issue 12

Police Update Re: Dating SCAM

Police Notice re: Post Office Delivery SCAM

Police COVID Scam

Wed, 4 Aug 2021

Police Update re: COVID SCAM

Police Update re: Phishing SCAM

Latest Update from Local Police

Important Information for Essex Residents regarding Organised Crime in the Community

Latest advice from Essex Police regarding Rental SCAM in the community

Latest SCAM advice regarding mobile phone calling

Latest Police Bulletin - June 2021

Unauthorised Encampments of Gypsies Travellers

Contact Information Update May 2021

Local Police Update - Issue 9 - covering April 2021

Community Services Minutes of the meeting

Special Constables - discussion paper

Polls for Stanway and Police Commissioner

Election, 6th May 2021

Essex Police SCAM Notice for Android Phone Users.

Spyware is installed when the text message asks them to install a tracking app due to a missed package delivery (currently these scams claim to be DHL but the brand could change). The app is the spyware and will steal passwords and other sensitive data,...

Information from Essex Police regarding mobile phone scams.

Fleeceware is a recently coined term that refers to mobile applications that come with excessive subscription fees, and in March over 200 such apps were discovered being advertised on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store

Police Bulletin Issue 8

Fri, 16 Apr 2021

Police Bulletin Issue 8

Solar Panel Scam Notice from Essex Police

Minutes of Community Services committee meeting.