19th September 2024

Search Stanway Parish Council

Serving the people of Stanway

Your Parish Councillors

Stanway Parish Council covers the Parish of Stanway, Colchester. A Full Council will have 15 members who are elected every four years. The latest elections took place in May 2023.

However, we currently have vacancies for councillors who can be co-opted now onto the Parish Council - for more information, please contact us. The Good Councillor Guide is also a very helpful source of information, along with our Councillor Co-Option Policy and Application Form should you wish to enquire further.

Parish Councillors - Register of Interests

2020 Revision of the National Model Code of Conduct

  • 2020 Model Code of Conduct (PDF, 216 Kb)

    The updated Code of Conduct, following nation-wide consultation coordinated by the Local Government Association

Your other Local Elected Representatives

Colchester Borough Council


Cllr. Tracey Arnold

Cllr. Jeremy Hagon

Cllr. Lesley Scott-Boutell

MarksTey & Layer

Cllr. Kevin Bentley

Cllr, Andrew Ellis

Cllr. Jackie MacLean

You can find all contact details via this link

Colchester Borough Council's website

Essex County Council

Cllr Kevin Bentley

Councillor for Stanway and Pyefleet Division

You can find all Kevin's contact details via this link

Essex County Council's website

Member of Parliament

Witham Constituency

Rt Hon Priti Patel MP
House of Commons

Telephone 0207 219 3528

Email withammp@parliament.uk

Last updated: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:07