12th December 2024

Search Stanway Parish Council

Serving the people of Stanway

Our Committees and Staff

Information about the various Committees of the Parish Council


In addition to the Full Parish Council meetings, there are committee meetings, to which a lot of the work of the Council is delegated, and, from time to time, advisory groups. See the Council Calendar to find out when they meet.

Corporate Governance Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to:

  1. Guide the Parish Council in the formulation and review of Corporate Governance and Financial matters.
  2. Ensure that financial procedures are followed correctly, the budgeted expenditure is adhered to and identify virements for recommendation to Full Council, via up-to-date Bank Reconciliation statements, Budget Monitor and Income & Expenditure Cost Centre Reports, which shall be drawn up by the RFO and presented at all committee meetings.
  3. Authorise expenditure, payments and virements within the level of authority laid down in the Council's Financial Regulations or delegated to the Committee from time to time.
  4. Recommend the Budget and Precept each year for approval by Full Council.
  5. Consider contract proposals for expenditure not specifically dealt with by any other committee.
  6. Undertake a review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, the Investment Policy, Terms and Conditions of Borrowing, System of Internal Audit, Asset Register, Risk Management and Insurance, Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme, GDPR, and any other policies on a regular basis, at least annually.
  7. Be responsible, either wholly or on a joint basis with another committee, for all legal issues, including the Village Hall Lease, relating to the Parish Council.
  8. Respond to consultations on behalf of the Parish Council as a whole or, where appropriate, where no other committee clearly has relevant responsibility.
  9. In coordination with other committees, organise and recommend future meeting dates for the Parish Council and all committees.
  10. In conjunction with the independent Internal Auditor, regularly monitors the financial management of the Council and also arranges a periodic review of the effectiveness of the Council's internal audit to ensure that the Council has sound systems of internal control
  11. Respond and propose projects for the Local Highways Panel (or SPC equivalent)
  12. Website and social media management
  13. Deal with items not dealt with by other named committees or sub- committees.

Community Assets Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to manage all Community Assets within the responsibility of or devolved (now and in the future) to the Parish Council, including (but not limited to):

  • Comb Meadow Burial Ground
  • Community Buildings and grounds (working with managing organisations - e.g. SVHMC)
  • Recreational Areas and Open Spaces
  • Street Lighting
  • Street furniture

Community Services Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to manage all Community Services within the responsibility of or devolved (now and in the future) to the Parish Council, including (but not limited to):

  • Street cleaning and waste/recycling collection
  • Local event management (SPC and third party)
  • Public safety (e.g. local policing, Crimestoppers etc)
  • Community relationships and leadership

Planning Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to deal with all Planning matters within the responsibility of or devolved (now and in the future) to the Parish Council, including (but not limited to):

  • Planning Applications received from the Borough and County Councils.
  • Correspondence relating to the Planning Committee.
  • Consultations with regard to Planning Matters on behalf of the Parish Council as appropriate.

Staffing Committee

The Staffing Committee is appointed to consider all staffing matters, including grievance and disciplinary matters, and has the financial authority to incur expenditure as laid down in the Parish Council's Financial Regulations. However, the appointment of the most senior officer of the Council is reserved for a Full Council meeting.

The Committee meets on an ad-hoc basis, usually once every quarter. Given the likely confidential nature of the discussions, it is likely that most of these meetings will be in closed session.

Sub-Committees and Advisory Groups

Where needed, Sub-Committees and Advisory groups are set up and can make recommendations to the Parish Council on particular issues. Advisory Groups are sometimes referred to as working parties.

Committee Terms of Reference

Our Staff

Donna Tristram

Donna Tristram

Parish Clerk & Deputy RFO

Stanway Parish Council

Parish Clerk & Deputy RFO

Victory Hall
Villa Road
01206 542221
Amanda Bourne

Amanda Bourne

Deputy Clerk

Stanway Parish Council

Victory Hall
Villa Road
Stanway CO3 0RH
01206 542221
07849 089527
Lee Needham

Lee Needham

Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

Stanway Parish Council

Victory Hall
Villa Road
Stanway CO3 0RH
01206 542221
07716 123856
Barry Cooper

Barry Cooper

Grounds Maintenance

Stanway Parish Counil

Victory Hall
Villa Road
Stanway CO3 0RH
01206 542221

Last updated: Mon, 02 Dec 2024 13:33